Implementation of Secure and Energy Efficient Routing Protocol for Mobile Adhoc Network

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Mukesh Kumar Raigar, Mr. Manish Dubey


Mobile adhoc network are networks consisting of spatially distributed autonomous sensors, which are capable of sensing the physical or environmental conditions and have set of applications in various domains. But MANET is also prone to various active and passive attacks due to the lack of security mechanism, centralized management in routing protocol and. The prime task of WSN is to sense and collect information, process and transmit to the sink. One of the major security threats in MANET is attacks; attacks may be active or passive. First of all implementation of reference work carried out in NS 2 environment for various numbers of nodes in the range from 10 to 50 followed by integration of attacker node. In our research work specifically black hole attack has been taken to see the impact on network parameters. To overcome such active attacks an advanced Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector routing protocol techniques incorporated hash function with security algorithm so that data cannot be accessed by unauthorized person. Network matrices are improved by implementing advanced AODV routing protocol. In the distributed network trust among various sensing nodes is a powerful tool to increase the performance of device networks. In our research work depth analysis carried out on the security and trust communication between the device nodes with routing techniques to discover and prevent information packet from the being exposed to black hole attack. Further various mobility pattern can be investigated with different attacks.

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How to Cite
Mukesh Kumar Raigar, Mr. Manish Dubey. (2019). Implementation of Secure and Energy Efficient Routing Protocol for Mobile Adhoc Network. International Journal on Future Revolution in Computer Science &Amp; Communication Engineering, 5(8), 61–66. Retrieved from