Barriers to Refactoring: Issues and Solutions

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Dr. Zeba Khanam


Refactoring mechanism is commonly used in software development. Though Object oriented programming promotes ease in designing reusable software but the long coded methods makes it unreadable and enhances the complexity of the methods. The common code defects are associated with large classes and methods. To ease up the code comprehension Extract method, Extract class serves as a comfortable option to reduce the disorganization and duplication of the code to produce more fine grained methods and classes. Though refactoring serves as an important mechanism to improve the software quality whether performed manually or in an automated way with the help of tools or IDEs but there are umpteen cases where refactoring could lead to deterrent effect. This paper intends to explore the various problems and barriers associated with refactoring and specifically while extracting the code (extract method, extract class, extract interface) and their solutions.

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How to Cite
, D. Z. K. (2018). Barriers to Refactoring: Issues and Solutions. International Journal on Future Revolution in Computer Science &Amp; Communication Engineering, 4(2), 232–235. Retrieved from